Heidelberg Innovation Forum & EIG Coaching Day


19.05.2015 - 20.05.2015    


Studio Villa Bosch
Schloss Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg

Investors can register via this link



The 14th Heidelberg Innovation Forum – the matching platform for early innovation phases – is looking for your business ideas or R&D results with high market potential!


Apply and find your partners for (start-up) financing, development and licensing of your technologies or business ideas in Heidelberg.

We look for disruptive technologies and ideas providing an intelligent connection of data and modern analytical methods, thereby developing innovative smart data business models. Concepts from various sectors such as manufacturing, logistics, creative industries, life science or mobility are connected to Smart Data and eligible for submission. Further information about the topic is available on the forum’s website.

If your concept is convincing, you will get the opportunity to present your business idea to investors and market actors in a six-minute pitch at the forum. In the generous matching breaks, there will be time for talks with decision makers, experts and investors at your Meeting-Point.

Benefit from the Coaching Day at the forum:
Pitching companies receive individual trainings and coaching from international experts at the EIG coaching day before the forum to improve their business model as well as their presentation skills

The event is free of charge for researchers and founders.

The Heidelberg Innovation Forum will take place on 19th and 20th May 2015. Organisers of the event are bwcon GmbH and the European Media Laboratory in cooperation with the MFG Innovation Agency for Media and Creative Industries.

For further information: www.heidelberg-innovationforum.eu

Please contact Corinna Voss (+49-711-90715-325, voss@bwcon.de) for all questions related to the event or the call for proposals.